POS Dynamic Menus

POS Dynamic Menus appear on the POS like POS Menus, consisting of items and deals. Instead of adding the exact items or deals into the menu as you do with POS menus, you can add to a dynamic menu a selection of product groups, item categories and special groups along with items or deals with certain attributes. You can select how the system sorts the items and deals included in the selection.

By using POS Dynamic Menus maintenance becomes much easier. For a menu showing items with a certain product group, new items appear on the menu just by assigning the items to the product group. For a menu showing items with certain attributes, new items appear on the menu when you assign these attributes to them.

POS dynamic menus can appear as pop-up menus or they can appear in the Main menu and Additional menu sections on the Sales POS.

When you press a POS menu button with the POS command DYNMENU that has a POS dynamic menu as parameter, the system builds the dynamic menu using the selection and sorting criteria of the POS dynamic menu. The menu is created automatically each time it is used.

Note: Dynamic menus only include items and deals that have distribution in the active store.

Items can be sorted by Product Group, Item Category, Division, Attribute, Description, or Search Description.

Deals can be sorted by a sorting attribute.

Note: When you upgrade to a newer version (a version with the DYNMENU command that includes POS parameter setup to a version with the DYNMENU command that includes POS dynamic menu as parameter), you must run Tools/Data Upgrade to create the new POS Dynamic Menus.

The upgrade adds new records into the POS Dynamic Menu table for each DYNMENU command found in the POS menu lines. The POS dynamic menu selection and sorting lines correspond to the parameters defined for the specific DYNMENU command. The ID for the POS Dynamic Menu is the Description taken from POS Menu Line and Key No. of the POS Menu.

If there are many dynamic menus with the same ID, a running number is added. If necessary, a base POS menu is created for each POS dynamic menu to define button spacing, height and width. The Base POS Menu ID is 'DYNAMIC' plus a running number and they are reused, if possible. They have the Menu Type Dyn. Menu Base and are located in the ##Default menu profile.

To create a POS Dynamic Menu

  1. Click the icon, enter POS Dynamic Menus, and select the relevant link.
  2. Click the New action.
  3. On the General FastTab, fill in the fields according to these guidelines:
Field Description
ID Enter an ID for the dynamic menu. It can be up to 20 characters.
Description Enter a description for the dynamic menu. It can be up to 30 characters.
Display Type

This field indicates how the dynamic menu appears. The options are: 

  • On Top of Menu - When the dynamic menu closes (how it closes is defined by Menu Exit), the underlying menu appears.
  • Replace Menu - The dynamic menu appears on a section when command button is pressed. Pressing another button outside the section replaces the dynamic menu with another menu.
  • Pop-up - The dynamic menu appears as a pop-up menu. It closes down only when an item or deal is pressed (cancellation is not possible).
Display Section This field indicates in which section of the Sales POS the dynamic menu appears. The options are: 
  • Main Menu
  • Additional Menu 1
  • Additional Menu 2
  • Additional Menu 3

For display type Pop-up, the pop-up menu appears near the location of the button pressed.

Button Display This field indicates what information is displayed on the buttons in the dynamic menu. The options are: 
  • None
  • Display Price - This option does not apply to Pop-up menus
Menu Exit This field indicates how the menu is closed. You need to select an option other than None for a menu with display type On Top of Menu. The options are: 
  • None - For display type Replace Menu, the dynamic menu appears on a section when command button is pressed. Pressing another button replaces the dynamic menu with another menu. Therefore, no Exit button is needed.
  • Exit First Button - The first button in the menu on the first page is the Exit button. Used with display type On Top of Menu.
  • Exit Last Button - The last button in the menu is the Exit button. If the menu contains many pages, the last page includes the Exit button. Used with display type On Top of Menu.
  • Exit First and Last Button - The Exit button appears on the first page and the last page of the menu. Used with display type On Top of Menu.
  • Exit after Selection - Selecting a button in the menu (an item or deal), closes the menu and the underlying menu appears. Used with display type On Top of Menu and Pop-up.
Base POS Menu This field contains the ID of the POS menu used as basis for the POS dynamic menu. The POS menu controls aspects such as button spacing, sliding and scrolling and pop-up width and height. Only menus with menu type Dyn. Menu Base can be selected as base POS menus for dynamic menus.
Rows This field contains the number of rows used by the dynamic menu on one page. If this field is 0, program uses the rows defined for the Base POS Menu.
Columns This field contains the number of columns used by the dynamic menu on one page. If this field is 0, program uses the columns defined for the Base POS Menu.

To set up selection lines

  1. On the Selection FastTab, enter as many selection lines as you want for this dynamic menu. The items and/or deals that this line selects are either included when building the dynamic menu or excluded (the Exclude field is then marked with a check mark).
  2. Fill in the fields according to these guidelines:
Field Description
Selection Type This field indicates the type of selection for the line. The options are: 
  • Attribute - The line selects by attribute. Both items and deals with the selected attribute or even attribute option are selected for this line.
  • Product Group - The line selects by product group. Items belonging to the selected product group are selected for this line.
  • Item Category - The line selects by item category. Items belonging to the selected item category are selected for this line.
  • Special Group - The line selects by special group. Items belonging to the selected special group are selected for this line.
  • Item - The line selects by item.
  • Deal - The line selects by deal.

Filter Value

This field contains the exact value selected for the line. The value depends on the line's selection type:
  • Attribute - The value is the code of an attribute.
  • Product Group - The value is the code of a product group.
  • Item Category - The value is the code of an item category.
  • Special Group - The value is the code of a special group.
  • Item - The value is the number of an item.
  • Deal - The value is the number of a deal.
Attribute Option This field contains an exact option value for the attribute selected on the line. It is used to narrow down an attribute selection line even further.

Validation Period ID

This field contains the ID of the validation period for the line. This field is optional.

If the line is not valid on the current day and/or time, this selection line is ignored when building the dynamic menu.

Exclude This field indicates whether the line excludes the selection from the dynamic menu.

If marked, the items and/or deals that this line has selected are not shown in the dynamic menu. The dynamic menu must have at least one line that includes items or deals, rather than excludes them.

Comment This field contains free text describing the selection on the line. You can enter up to 50 characters.

To set up sorting lines

On the Sorting FastTab, you can enter lines that define how the items and deals selected in the dynamic menu are sorted. The following applies to the sorting of dynamic menus:

  • If there are no sorting lines defined, then the sorting is done by Item No. and Deal No.
  • Items are sorted by Item No. by default and deals by Deal No.
  • The sorting is done in the same order as the order of the sorting lines.
  • The order of sorting lines can be changed by using the Up and Down actions.

Fill in the fields according to these guidelines:

Field Description
Sorted By This field indicates by which feature the sorting is done. The options are:
  • Attribute - the exact attribute to sort by must be selected in the Attribute Code field.
  • Product Group - Group Sorting By indicates whether the sorting is by Record ID or Description of the product group.
  • Item Category - Group Sorting By indicates whether the sorting is by Record ID or Description of the item category.
  • Division - Group Sorting By indicates whether the sorting is by Record ID or Description of the division
  • Description - The description of the item or deal.
  • Search Description - The search description of the item.
Attribute Code This field indicates by which attribute the sorting should be done. This field is only enabled if the field Sorted By has the value Attribute. It must be filled in for an attribute line.
Group Sorting By This field indicates if the sorting should be done by record ID (primary key) or description. The options are: 
  • Record ID
  • Description

The Group Sorting By is only used with Sorted By values Product Group, Item Category and Division.


The selection of a dynamic menu includes these items:

Item Description Prod. Group Descr. Item Category Code Attribute (Fabric)
A coat Coats Outdoor Wool
B coat Coats Outdoor Leather
C coat Coats Outdoor Cotton
D coat Coats Outdoor Wool
S gloves Gloves Outdoor Leather
T gloves Gloves Outdoor Wool
U gloves Gloves Outdoor Leather
V gloves Gloves Outdoor Cotton
HH Sneakers Sneakers Sports  
II Sneakers Sneakers Sports  
JJ Sneakers Sneakers Sports  
111 Shirt Shirts Sports  
222 Shirt Shirts Sports  
333 Shirt Shirts Sports  
XX Pants Pants Ladies Wool
YY Pants Pants Ladies Cotton
ZZ Pants Pants Ladies Leather
55 Dress Dresses Ladies Silk
66 Dress Dresses Ladies Cotton
77 Dress Dresses Ladies Wool

The sorting of the dynamic menu is the following:

Sorted By Attribute Code Group Sorting By
Attribute Fabric  
Item Category   Record ID
Product Group   Description

The sorting mechanism first sorts the items by the Fabric attribute (no attribute, cotton, leather, silk, wool in alphabetical order).

For each attribute value, the sorting first by item category (Code) and within each item category by product group description. At last, the items are sorted by their Description. The sorting result is the following;

Item Description Prod. Group Descr. Item Category Code Attribute (Fabric)
111 Shirt Shirts Sports  
222 Shirt Shirts Sports  
333 Shirt Shirts Sports  
HH Sneakers Sneakers Sports  
II Sneakers Sneakers Sports  
JJ Sneakers Sneakers Sports  
66 Dress Dresses Ladies Cotton
YY Pants Pants Ladies Cotton
C coat Coats Outdoor Cotton
V gloves Gloves Outdoor Cotton
ZZ Pants Pants Ladies Leather
B coat Coats Outdoor Leather
S gloves Gloves Outdoor Leather
U gloves Gloves Outdoor Leather
55 Dress Dresses Ladies Silk
77 Dress Dresses Ladies Wool
XX Pants Pants Ladies Wool
A coat Coats Outdoor Wool
D coat Coats Outdoor Wool
T gloves Gloves Outdoor Wool

To set up the DYNMENU command on a POS menu line

To set up a button with command DYNMENU:

  1. Open the POS menu this button is going to be in.
  2. Go to Button Properties for the button
  3. Enter DYNMENU into the Command field
  4. In the Parameter field click the lookup arrow. The page POS Dynamic Menus opens
  5. Select the desired dynamic menu.

Examples of Dynamic Menu usage

Fashion POS – profile FASHION2

This POS is an example of a POS that sell general fashion items. Menu item Linda Line, Clothing and Cotton Items are setup with DYNMENU command.


  • Button Clothing

  • Button Properties for button CLOTHING:

The CLOTHING parameter is a Dynamic menu CLOTHING.

Setup for Dynamic Menu Clothing:

Fine Dining POS Example

Button Meals:

• Button properties for button All Meals:

The MEALS parameter is a dynamic menu MEALS.

Setup for Dynamic Menu MEALS:

This dynamic menu includes

  • All items in item category Meals excluding those in product group SIDE
  • And when the items are displayed in the menu they are sorted by attribute MEAL TYPE
  • When more than one item have the same meal type then they are sorted by description of the item
  • Attribute Meal type has a few options. The settings for items in category MEALS have one of these values: